Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Middle of Middle Earth

We took a trip into Wellington today or as it seems to be currently known, "The Middle of Middle Earth!" Hobbit fever has really hit the coolest little capitol in the world hard. Everywhere you look there are flags of Golem and big statues of Gandalf - it really is very cool.

The Hobbit craft fair was also packed and full of potential Hobbits and Wizards looking for bargains. We also, almost, came back with one of probably thousands of "the one ring to rule them all". However I decided at the last minute that although it would have been well worth the seventy dollar price tag, I was probably not strong enough to resist the evil influences of the "one ring" and would end up looking like Golem rather than going to live with the elves in their land across the sea. So it was far safer just to get a Gandalf hat instead!

I love this artists interpretation of Wellington. Its a massive poster next to the Embassy Theatre and I think really captures the surreal feeling in the city at the moment.

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